Damien Ajavon roots their artistic practice in their heritage, exploring diverse methods of manipulating textile fibers by hand, including knitting, knotting, braiding, tangling, and weaving. The interaction between visual and tactile experiences is central to their process, drawing on both African and Western influences to convey unique creative approaches and tell textile stories. Ajavon utilizes textile languages, rather than oral ones, to forge connections with their ancestry, honoring African cultures through artistic gestures while embracing local materials during their residency in Skien in 2024–25. Thus practicing sustainably and paying tribute to the Norwegian ancestral use of local resources, for instance nettles.
Ajavon’s fascination with the region’s rich biodiversity drives them to investigate native plants for sustainable materials and methods to work with. They will conduct a thorough exploration of the unique flora, harvesting plants to create yarns and natural dyes extracted from leaves, flowers, and roots. This process will be showcased in the exhibition, allowing the audience to witness firsthand the creation of sustainable textiles.
In addition to textile arts, Ajavon will explore culinary uses for the harvested plants, from nourishing soups to herbal teas. By fostering this connection with nature, they aim to promote a more sustainable future and inspire others to appreciate and protect the local biodiversity.
Damien Ajavon (b.1990, pronouns: they/them) is a queer textile artist, born in France, of Senegalese and Togolese origin currently based in Skien. Their artistic practice is deeply rooted in their heritage and is influenced by African and Western cultures, as well as the queer community. Their work with textiles is a powerful tool for creating culturally representative pieces, merging generations of African craftsmanship with their diasporic and transoceanic knowledge and experiences. Solo exhibitions include Open Forum, Berlin, 2024; Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo 2024; Sparebankstiftelsen DNBs stipendutstilling 2023, Oslo, 2023; The Wall of Hands, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, 2022; and collective exhibitions include I et rom, I en gåte! Nitja Senter for Samtidskunst, Lillestrøm, 2023; Homorientalism, Smack Mellon, New York, 2023; The excess is ritual, Dunlop Gallery, Saskatchewan, 2023; The Queer Gaze II, Kode, Bergen, 2022; Révélations International, Grand Palais Ephemere, Paris, 2022; Ode à Ndate, Studio Quatorzerohuit, Dakar 2022.
More info > damienajavon.com